Steve Ediger Associates routinely consults in other capacities. Here’s a short list of other services:
- Organizational Development: Sometimes the team is right, but configured in a non-optimal way. Other times organizations are stuck in old patterns. Our discerning methods help you sort it out.
- Conflict Resolution: Occasionally, we come across organizations experiencing conflict, which kills productivity. We provide an array of supportive engagements with your organization to help you identify these conflicts and provide safe spaces for those involved to air and resolve their grievances, eliminating the blockages to productivity.
- Technology Assessments/Information Technology Budgeting: A decade of producing hardware and software with continued industry research, a decade of service to non-profits, a decade and a half of IT management in academic institutions have provided a rich background for sorting out your tangle of technology solutions, the people involved in them and how they serve your organization. We can also consult with you on your IT budgeting
- Mapping: Everyone loves maps. They can communicate considerable detail and get your point across in a single page. Here are some examples
- Private Prisons in Texas; an atlas of private prisons and communities in which they are located (Grassroots Leadership, 2012)
- Shareable Chicago; an interactive map of sharing entities in Chicago (Shareable, 2016)
- Teleconferencing: In today’s global economy, you’re probably working with people in remote locations. We do daily and have worked with a number of clients to up their internal communications game with teleconferencing. Given the right start, teleconferencing improves your communication bandwidth and efficiency.
- System and Software Recommendations: We provide a full stack of services in developing and implementing systems and software.